The Only Woman

Book presentation & discussion

Monday 4 March 2024 at 6:00 PM. FULLY BOOKED!
La Bibliothèque Orientale,
Amphithéâtre Leïla Turquie
Free admission with email booking.

From New York City, Oscar nominated documentary filmmaker, producer, and author Immy Humes will present her latest book The Only Woman about remarkable women who made their way into men’s world. Through a selection of rare photographs, over 100-year period and 20 countries, she will share the stories of extraordinary women.
From Beirut, Dr. Ghada Waked will share a selection of Lebanon archives photographs, of men group portraits with one remarkable woman… 

The Only Woman

Ghada Waked, with a keen interest in art and photography, holds a degree in Fine Arts, in Photography, as well as master’s degrees in Art History and Economics. Following her PhD thesis, she developed a holistic approach to art, exploring economics, image theory, and urban spaces. Founder of the Beirut Biennial for the Image – BIB, and Albedo creative platform, she blends intellectual rigor with creativity.

Ghada Waked, avec un vif intérêt pour l’art et la photographie, est titulaire d’un diplôme de Beaux-Arts en Photographie, ainsi que de masters en Histoire de l’Art et en Économie. Après sa thèse de doctorat, elle a développé une approche holistique de l’art, explorant l’économie, la théorie de l’image et les espaces urbains. Fondatrice de la Biennale de l’Image de Beyrouth-BIB et d’Albedo Creative Platform, elle allie rigueur intellectuelle et créativité.

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